<>Adlerian therapy (Alfred Adler) = [behavioral patterns, social systems & encouragement of social involvement, absence of blame, humour]


Assertiveness training = [social skills & self-monitoring, behaviour rehearsal]


Aversion therapy = [behavioral systems & forging unpleasant associations to a behaviour]


Behaviour therapy = [behaviour patterns & desensitization, conditioning, observational learning]


Bioenergetics (Alexander Lowen) = [repressed emotions, muscle tension & muscular exercises, verbal expression]


Biofeedback = [various internal systems & use of feedback machines to amplify small signs of improved control]


Cognitive therapy (Aaron Beck) = [beliefs, thought systems & reasoning, reconceptualising, "running movies"]


<>Ericksonian therapy (Milton H. Erickson) = [inner and social systems & very varied, hypnotic techniques, use of metaphors, pattern intervention, direction]


Freudian therapy (Sigmund Freud) = [id, ego, super-ego, dreams & revealing unconscious conflicts, free association,

transference, cathartic release of repressed material]


Gestalt (Fritz Perls) = [here-and-now systems, defences, dreams & encounter groups, integrating subsystems, inner dialogues]


Hypnotherapy = [many systems & activation and deactivation, use of inner and outer feedback loops to enhance change]


Jungian therapy (Carl Jung) = [ego, personal unconscious, collective unconscious, archetypes, personae & activating

imagination, use of mandala, connecting to archetypes]


Primal therapy (Arthur Janov) = [Pain, traumatic experiences, repression & evoking the repressed pain]


Rational-Emotive therapy (Albert Ellis) = [beliefs about self & reasoned change of belief]


Reality Therapy (William Glasser) = [Behaviour patterns, self-responsibility & enhancing ego strength, breaking old



<>Reichian Therapy (Wilhelm Reich) = [orgone energy, sexual repression, character armour & massage, release of sexual energy; use of orgone box]


Religious Therapies = [God, souls, love & healing of souls, forgiving of sin, establishing bonds of love]


<>Rogerian Therapy or Person-centred Therapy (Carl Rogers) = [positive regard, parental influence & emotional support, listening, being non-directive]


Self Actualization (Abraham Maslow) = [normal people, hierarchy of needs & meeting needs, becoming more oneself]


Transactional Analysis (Eric Berne) = [Child, Parent, Adult & game analysis, script analysis, I'm OK - You're OK]